Thursday, 6 November 2008

The Crypt Restaurant

Ravaged by fire many years ago and also on the road to the seafront

A fine building

All boarded up now and right on the road to the seafront

They are supposed to be developing this site but it's been a long time coming.
And in the background the infamous eyesore that is Burlington House.
It's been empy for years and blocks out the view of the castle from many angles

Silvers Post Office

Closed for a few months now.
I worked there many years ago.
End of an era

Indoor Market

Closed for many years now

The Renaissance public house

Closed for a long time and then,as the same suggests,opened again some years ago.
Sadly,it's closed again

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Smart flowers

On the station and blooming in November

Neglected paintwork

Peeling paint that neither shop seem to want to rectify.
Maybe it's no man's land

Victoria Crescent Dover

An elegant row of houses in town.
One is a chiropodists premises and has been for many,mnay years

Ravaged church

This church had been converted into apartments.
A fire swept through on the day of viewing some months ago.
Nothing has happened since

Town Houses in Dover

They became very run down a few years ago but they are looking elegant now

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Neglected plants

It was nice two summers ago. Then they just left it.
It's the first dwelling that people see when the leave the train station

Woolworth's loading bay

There is modern and modern.
This is boxes


The back of their brightly coloured eating place.

Woolworth came

An entire street filled with a modern take on architecture.
Finished with what looks like a huge waste bin

Another nice building

Horses were once stabled through the gap.
It's a taxi office now

A fine example of town architecture

The shops are are colourful yet most people never look above them